
High School (9-12)

The high school has three (3) academic program tracks designed to support academic needs and career interests: College Preparatory, Career Preparatory, and Occupational Course of Study.  Advancement opportunities are available for students through Honors, Advanced Placement, and Dual Enrollment courses.  Students have the opportunity to take online courses through NCVPS for coursework not offered on campus.  Electives are available for high school students in the areas of Fine and Performing Arts, World Language, Career and Technical Education, Health and Physical Education.  High School students are required to have 22 credits to graduate. 
MICS NC School Performance Grades
2018-2019 - 82/B
2019-2020 - N/A
2020-2021 - N/A
2021-2022 - 70/B
2022-2023 - 75/B
2023-2024 - 78/B - click HERE for more information!

Summer AP Assignments

For high school students taking Advanced Placement courses next year, you can find your Summer AP Assignments here. If you have questions about your summer assignments you can reach out directly to your teacher or our Assistant Principal of Curriculum, Mrs. Goodwin

Graduation Requirements

Subject Courses Credits
English English I, II, III, IV Total of 4 Credits
Math Math I, II, III and 4th Math Course to be aligned with student's post high school plans Total of 4 Credits
Physical Science
Total of 3 Credits
Social Studies
9th‒10th grade students:
World History, Civic Literacy, Personal Finance and one of the following:
● American History
● AP US History
11th grade students:
World History, Civics and Economics, and one of the following pairs of
● American History 1 and 2
● American History or AP US History and one Social Studies
● American History 1 or 2 and a Social Studies elective
12th grade students:
World History, Civics and Economics, and one of the following pairs of
● American History 1 and 2
● AP US History and one Social Studies elective
Total of 4 Credits
Health/Physical Education
● 9th grade PE & Health
● Team Sports elective
● Weight Training elective
Total of 1 Credit
Two of the 6 must be in World Languages, Fine Arts or CTE. For example, Spanish I and Spanish II or Visual Arts 1 and Visual Arts II. At least 2 years of the same World Language is required for admission to North Carolina 4-year colleges and universities. Admission to 2-year colleges does not require credits in a World Language.
Total of 6 Credits

Counseling Department

Our counselors provide annual, individualized high school planning that ensures graduation requirements are met and coursework necessary for future goals are completed.  Our high school goal is to provide students with information pertaining to admission requirements, scholarship opportunities, and applications for any post-secondary education institutions.  We strive to help parents prepare their students for on-time graduation with an emphasis on post-secondary educational opportunities within our MICS culture.
Check out the Counseling Department page for information and resources to help with college prep, scholarships, ACTs and SATs, and more!

Bell Schedule 9-12th Grade

Period Time
1st 7:30-8:40
2nd 8:44-9:44
3rd 9:48-10:48
4th 10:52-11:52
5th 11:56-12:56
6th 1:30 - 2:30

Dress Code

The school implements a restrictive coordinate dress code to promote a focused and safe learning environment.  A K-12 progressive approach allows for increased choice when developmentally appropriate.  Success depends upon a cooperative partnership between the home and school.


1. Device: High school students at MICS are expected to bring a device that enables them to access the internet and create documents during the school day. We recommend a Chromebook which boots up quickly, has a long battery life, and is economical.
Other reliable devices, including PC laptops, that meet the following criteria are permitted:
  • Has a keyboard for composing
  • At least a 10" screen
  • Operating Systems (Minimum Requirements): Chrome, Windows 10, OSX


2. Calculator: All students enrolled in high school math courses are required to purchase a TI-83+  or TI-84+ Graphing Calculator. This device is available from a variety of vendors.


We strongly recommend that students label their device and use a protective backpack or case to protect their device while moving about campus.

Work Permits

To obtain a work permit, please visit NC Labor and complete the application, youth employment certificate online.  This application is required for youth under the age of 18 only upon hiring.  You will need the employer's address, county of employment, and ABC permit status.  Print the certificate and parent and youth must both sign the application and return to the employer.  Note: This permit does NOT require the signature of a school official.

Guest Approval Form

A student requesting to bring a guest who is not a student at Mountain Island Charter School to a school event such as a dance or social must have a Student Guest Approval Form completed and approved before buying tickets. For high school events, guests must be at least a freshman in high school and not over nineteen years of age. Students and guests must always act in accordance with school event rules regarding appropriate dress, conduct, and arrival time. Mountain Island Charter School reserves the right to deny any guest approval request. This form must be completed and approved prior to the purchase of a ticket. This completed form may be submitted to MICS in person or email: [email protected]