Interested in what clubs are offered here at Mountain Island Charter School for middle and high school students?
Art Club "True Colors"
Advisor: Dawn Strouse at [email protected]
1st & 3rd Tuesdays from 2:30 pm to 3:15 pm in Room C113
Thank you for your interest in being part of the arts community here at the MICS. This club is for middle and high school students. True Colors Art Club is a place for practicing artists to hone in on their skills, develop their techniques and portfolios, collaborate with other artists like themselves, create bonds with the community through the arts, and learn how to work together through group projects that will beautify the school and community. We look forward to your participation in True Colors Art Club this year!
Best Buddies
Advisor: Aapri Washington at [email protected]
FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)
MS Advisor: Joy Alston at [email protected]
HS Advisor: Toni Stallings at [email protected]
Friday Mornings at 7:00 pm in Room C227
Fellowship of Christian Athletes. We fellowship and do a devotion each week.
Girls Who Code
Advisor: Kelley Cook [email protected]
Advisor: Megan Kualii [email protected]
Interact Clubs are an important branch of the greater Rotary youth programs that invite high school students to get important chances to develop leadership skills while also focusing on the Rotary credo of "Service-Above-Self." The Mountain Island Charter chapter of Interact Club allows students to work together and be a part of many different community service programs and initiatives.
International Thespian Society
Advisor: Dave Ward at Dave Ward
International Thespian Society (10-12) $45 annual fee. This is for students who are passionate about all levels of theatre. You will join an international community of performers who work to not only do excellent arts, but promote arts in the greater community. At MICS the ITS chapter is the main vehicle of student leadership for performing arts on campus. The officers help to set the agendas and to select shows for performance. There is an initiation for students who want to join where they must have proved their active participation on campus. Generally, ITS students are involved in many on campus events so the meeting times will vary. Interest meetings or general meetings will be announced in the Raptor Call and MICS announcements.
Key Club
Advisor: Tonya Tolson at [email protected]
Key Club is an international, student-led organization that provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership. High school student members of Key Club perform acts of service in their communities, such as cleaning up parks, collecting clothing and organizing food drives. They also learn leadership skills by running meetings, planning projects and holding elected leadership positions at the club, district and international levels.
Math Olympiad
Advisor: Nicole Simonette at [email protected]
Musical Productions
Fall Production Advisor: Jessi Clarkson at [email protected]
Spring Production Advisor: Dave Ward at [email protected]
National Honor Society
Advisor: Monica Belus at [email protected]
National Junior Honor Society
Advisor: Ken Osterndorf at [email protected]
Mountain Island Charter School’s National Junior Honors Society is a club that is open to those students who meet the required standards in five areas of evaluation: scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship. Eligible students are expected to attend monthly meetings and participate in club sponsored service projects put on throughout the school year. Induction for 7th and 8th graders will be in the fall and induction for 6th graders will be held in the spring.
Pep Band
Advisor: Melissa Ray at [email protected]
Robotics (High School)
Advisor: Mrs. Fuentes at [email protected]
We are a team under the guidance of First Robotics Competition (FRC): Combining the excitement of sport with the rigors of science and technology. Our industry mentors helps students through teamwork in designing and building a robot to tackle various obstacles for competition season. Students who have never used a tool before have found this to be an exciting and valuable experience. Students learn to use hand tools, power tools, in addition to learning how to wire electronics for motors and sensors, plus programming code to drive the robot; besides having fun and building teamwork. We also have a need for students interested in Computer-aided design and marketing expertise to become part of the team to promote our mission and STEM opportunities to others.
Student Government
Middle School facilitator: Joy Alston
High School facilitator: Karis Riddle
Student Government works within the school community to foster school spirit through planning pep rallies, dances, spirit themes, homecoming and fundraising.
Tabletop Gaming
Advisor: Amanda Scales at [email protected]
Unity Council
Advisor: Ashley Renzo at [email protected]
Unity Council is a 6-12 club whose goal is to help create a more inclusive school community here at MICS. Structured after the Sandy Hook Promise SAVE (students against violence everywhere) clubs, we aim to promote awareness, share information, and create a space where all students feel seen, heard and welcomed.
Students in the high school may initiate an extracurricular student club provided that the club supports the general curriculum of the school and that the students have the support of a staff sponsor. Contact Jake Wilson, MS/HS Principal, at [email protected].