
Middle School (6-8)
Mountain Island Charter School's middle school academic program includes Honors and grade-level courses, and intervention courses. Elective areas for students include Spanish, Physical Education/Health, Chorus, Band, Technology, Academic Support, Theatre, and Visual Arts. Students experience real-world learning through the field study programs. Middle school learning also includes targeted SEL lessons provided regularly by our middle school counselor in their Social Studies classes. Leadership is integrated throughout middle school through student-led initiatives and productions, culminating with 8th-grade leadership project.
MICS NC School Performance Grades
2018-2019 - 82/B
2019-2020 - N/A
2020-2021 - N/A
2021-2022 - 70/B
2022-2023 - 75/B
2023-2024 - 78/B - click HERE for more information!
Counseling Department
Our middle school counselor, Ms. Cratch, provides Social/Emotional Learning lessons with our students in their social studies classes. This is an effort to help ensure future success not just academically, but also socially and emotionally. Ms. Cratch may also facilitate regular small groups with a focus on providing additional support to students with regular check-ins, additional emotional support, and academic needs.
Bell Schedule - Grades 6-8
1st | 7:30-8:40 |
2nd | 8:44-9:44 |
3rd | 9:48-10:48 |
4th | 10:52-11:52 |
MS Lunch | 11:52-12:22 |
5th | 12:26-1:26 |
6th | 1:30-2:30 |
Dress Code
The school implements a restrictive coordinate dress code to promote a focused and safe learning environment. A K-12 progressive approach allows for increased choice when developmentally appropriate. Success depends upon a cooperative partnership between the home and school.
Field Study Programs
Mountain Island Charter School field studies allow students to focus on experiential learning by challenging students to observe, inquire, apply knowledge, make connections and extend learning outside of the classroom. Enable students to share experiences away from regular school life to help build and strengthen interpersonal relationships within our community through problem solving, decision making, and teamwork.
Eighth Grade Leadership Project
All 8th grade students will complete a guided course of study via their Social Studies and Personal Development lessons on a career of their choice. Students complete several employability activities throughout the school year to help prepare them for their final formal project, which often involves in-person shadowing of someone in their chosen field (depending on current health and safety protocols). Students typically present their project to a panel of staff members or to fellow students in a career fair format. Students who excel in their leadership project are further evaluated by staff and peers to determine the winner of our yearly Pledger Leadership Award. This award is named for MICS's founding board chairperson, Kelly Pledger, and its recipient exemplifies leadership within our school community.
Off-Campus Physical Education Policy & Waiver
Mountain Island Charter School offers students in grades 7th and 8th to have the opportunity for off-campus physical education programs. If you feel your student would qualify and benefit from this option, please complete and sign the waiver and turn it into Mrs. Cratch. Students must maintain a certain amount of physical activity outside of school to qualify, and complete an online health component before the end of the school year. The purpose of providing this program is to provide the opportunity for students to maximize elective course choice.
Guest Approval Form
A student requesting to bring a guest who is not a student at Mountain Island Charter School to a school event such as a dance or social must have a Student Guest Approval Form completed and approved before buying tickets. Students and guests must always act in accordance with school event rules regarding appropriate dress, conduct, and arrival time. Mountain Island Charter School reserves the right to deny any guest approval request. This form must be completed and approved prior to the purchase of a ticket. This completed form may be submitted to MICS in person, via fax at (704) 827-8675 or email: [email protected].