MICS Families,
Please consider joining the MICS Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) this school year! The PTO supports the school by organizing events for the school community and spearheading our fundraising efforts in support of the amazing programs offered to our students. PTO events are a huge success because of the hard work and dedication of our families, students, and staff.
PTO meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 9:30 am in the Loft of the Elementary School (D Building), and we hope that you will be able to join us for our first meeting on September 4th. Also, make sure to join the
PTO Group on ParentSquare to receive updates and info about meetings and volunteer opportunities.
Here are a few of our upcoming Fall events:
K-5 Movie Night: 9/13 (rain date 9/14)
Fall Book Fair: 9/16-9/20
Raptor Run: 10/11 (early release school day)
Glenn Byrum
Executive Director